Welcome to On the Go with Amy!

Posted on 9:30 AM by
Can you recommend a hotel in New York City? Where can I go online to find a cheap flight to London? What's the best guidebook for Costa Rica?

People frequently ask me to help with their travel plans. I'm not a know-it-all, but I do have a passion for all things travel-related—exotic destinations, small quirky towns, rustic hotels (luxurious ones too), even long plane rides and busy airports. I see this blog as a place where I can answer those questions and start a conversation among people making travel plans.

This blog isn't for a particular type of traveler. I've been on the road with my parents, alone, on group trips, as a broke college student, with my husband, on business, and most recently in the company of my two kids--and so I plan to share all sorts of experiences as well as offer up travel advice and news. When I discover a new Web site for discount plane tickets, glean smart advice from a hotel concierge, or stumble upon some cool new suitcase or other travel gear, I'll pass these tips onto you. And I'm hoping that you will also share your travel secrets.

I plan to contribute a new story at least three times a week, so please check back often and let me know what you think. You can email me any time at onthegowithamy@gmail.com