Jimbaran Bay

Posted on 10:30 PM by
Our Lonely Planet Bali guide read,
Just outside Kuta, Jimbaran Bay is a superb crescent of white sand and blue sea, fronted by a long string of seafood warung (restaurants), and ending at the souther end in a bushy headland...It's mostly a somnolent kind of place except in the evenings as the sun goes down, when the tourists arive and enjoy the spectacle while feasting on freshly caught grilled fish at any number of simple beachside joints. Once it's dark, you can see twinkling lights far out to sea: fishing boats bringing aboard the next night's meals.
Sound like a great place? It is. Our night at Jimbaran Bay was one of the most memorable on our trip. We feasted on fresh, sweet grilled lobster and fish at the Teba Cafe. Our table sat right on the sand and the kids built a sandcastle while the adults sipped fruity cocktails. Here's a slide show:


rhea tyler said...

Jimbaran Bay is one of the most beautiful places i have holidayed in...the sea,the sand...even the hotel rates were reasonable & my entire trip including a cheap flight which i purchased from http://www.cfares.com turned out to be economical. what more could i ask for? a great holiday at great rates!