Tips for pregnant travelers

Posted on 12:58 PM by
"Are you sure it's safe?" "But what if I go into preterm labor—can the pilot make an emergency landing?" "My morning sickness is so bad—what if I have to actually use the barf bag?" "What if I can't sleep in the hotel room?"

These are some of the questions a girlfriend threw out at me the other day. She's pregnant and feeling nervous about an upcoming trip to Hawaii. When I was pregnant with my first, I remember experiencing similar anxiety about a trip to the Virgin Islands. I even went as far to research emergency landing procedures.

Now that I have traveled safely and successfully several times with a bun in my oven, my attitude is: Why be fat and uncomfortable at home when you can be fat and uncomfortable on a tropical island?

What's more, it's a wise idea to get away before junior arrives. A vacation--or a "baby moon" as it's often called--is relaxing and offers the opportunity to spend quality time with your partner. (I hate to break it to you, but there won't be a whole lot of that going on after the baby is born.)

And most importantly, it is safe, in most cases, to travel while pregnant. According to BabyCenter, "If you have a normal, healthy pregnancy, it can be perfectly safe to fly during most of it. You may find that your second trimester—weeks 14 to 27—is a perfect time to fly. Once you're past the first trimester, in all likelihood your morning sickness will be behind you, your energy levels will be higher, and your chances of miscarriage will be low. However, you shouldn't travel after 36 weeks."

But before you stuff your oh-so-flattering maternity swimsuit into your suitcase, here are a few tips to ensure that everything goes smoothly:
  • See your doctor before you leave to make sure you're safe to travel.
  • If you get the go-ahead, then be sure to locate a doctor at your destination so you have someone to call on if you face an emergency.
  • Wear loose fitting clothes--i.e., sweat pants--on the plane. Also, remove your shoes--because your feet will swell--and put on a pair of slippers.
  • Sit in an aisle on the plane. Easy restroom access is a must! Also, request a seat near the front so you don't get stuck standing in line to get off the plane.
  • Pack your own pillow--to keep you comfortable in the car or on the plane. You'll also appreciate it when you're trying to fall asleep in an unfamiliar bed.
  • Sprinkle lavender oil in your hair. It'll keep you calm on a plane flight and help you fall asleep in your hotel room.
  • Open your hotel room window. You got hot easily when you're pregnant. You'll sleep better with the fresh air.
  • Traveling to a sunny spot? Apply extra sunscreen and wear a hat. A big brimmed hat is great because it distracts from your belly and growing lower half!
  • Ask bartenders to fix you their best "mocktail" since you can't indulge in libations like your friends or hubby--they typically won't charge and you will often get refills of creative combinations of fruit juices and sparkling waters. Cheers!


Lucy said...

Great tips Amy - will try them out when I fly to Marrakech next month!

fish tank girl said...

Thank you for these tips, i'll be traveling with a pregnant friend soon.

viagra online said...

Nice advices, thanks for share, actually I don't know any pregnant woman but always it's good to know.