Ultimate packing list for traveling with kids

Posted on 9:27 PM by
Packing for one person is a job in itself--and then when you have kids the work becomes almost overwhelming. Diapers, socks, kids' sunblock, hats, baby wipes...How do you ever remember to stuff it all into the suitcase? Enter the "Pack Me...On the Road Again," a packing list featuring everything you would ever need to bring on a trip for you and your family. You can buy a full pad of 50 lists printed on recycled paper online at Lobotome.com for $9.95.


Leslie said...

This is a great travel packing list. Thanks for posting the link, I'm going to order a package of these today. In hunting for great family vacation ideas, I came across a site that has excellent recommended reading materials and films for families to watch before exploring the country on their vacation: http://globusjourneys.com/FamilyTravel/Journey/Read/ or http://globusjourneys.com/FamilyTravel/Journey/Films/

Tamara Rice said...

This is absolutely a genius idea.

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