TSA relaxes rules for screening kids

Posted on 4:39 PM by

Good news for traveling families: Today, the TSA announced that it's relaxing rules for screening children.

The organization is beginning to pilot programs that don't require children under 12 to take off their shoes or endure thorough pat-downs, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano shared before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.

"There will always be some unpredictability built into the system, and there will always be random checks even for groups that we are looking at differently such as children under the age of 12. But I think the travelling public will begin to see some of these changes really in the coming months," Napolitano said.

Last year the TSA made headlines when a father videotaped his 3-year-old daughter screaming and kicking as she was inspected by officials at the airport in Chattanooga, Tenn. Months later a man tweeted a photo (above) of TSA officials feeling a baby's diaper at Kansas City International Airport. After the incidents, the TSA said that it would consider changing its policies around children.