Tips for smooth and easy Thanksgiving travel

Posted on 9:28 AM by

I'm at the stage where I'm wondering why I ever thought traveling to South Carolina for Thanksgiving was a good idea.

My friends are all talking about staying at home and relaxing and our family is gearing up for a red eye flight the night before Thanksgiving. What was I thinking? A nonstop red eye with two young children?

Well, actually, when I was making the reservations it made a lot of sense because the red eye cost half as much as the flights leaving at more reasonable times.

No matter, we're traveling over Thanksgiving and once our bags are packed and we're in our car headed for the airport I'll be thrilled that we're going to see family who we love and enjoy.

Here are a few things that I'm doing to make sure our travels are smooth:

Reserving airport parking. Over the summer, we arrived at our favorite parking garage near the airport to learn that all the cheap spots were taken. We were stuck paying for premium parking, something we don't need because our car is a beater. It's wise to reserve ahead during peak travel times.

Checking in online. It's so much easier to check in 24 hours in advance online. We're traveling with carry-ons only so we won't even have to face the madness at the ticket counter. Also, by checking in online, you can make sure that you have seat assignments and pay for any checked bags.

Leaving presents unwrapped. We'll be traveling with presents for the cousins--and these will be unwrapped as recommended by airport security.
