Getting out the door for the holidays

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I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to throw a holiday caroling party two days before we were scheduled to leave for London. It started with my daughter telling me that she wanted to sing holiday carols. I invited a few of her school friends, and then a couple neighbors. The party grew to some 40 people. No problem. We'd just get a honey-baked ham and some rolls.

The party was great—but our house was a mess the next day. The floor was covered in crumbs and mulled wine stains. Dishes were piled high next to the sink. I spent all of Saturday washing wine glasses when I should have been packing.

And then there were two other holiday parties to attend the next night...Let's just say I was scrambling on Sunday morning to pack for our two-and-a-half-week trip.

At noon my phone rang. The cab was outside. What else should I stuff in the bag? Oh, tooth brushes.

My husband called out, "Did you get the camera?"

I grabbed the camera and zipped up the suitcases. We were ready. We were walking out the door.

And then my 8-year-old daughter asked, "Mommy, do you have the passports?"

I didn't have them!