How to pack for Africa

Posted on 8:18 AM by

This week I’m traveling to Ghana—and I've spent the past week figuring out what to put into my bag. I put an open suitcase next to my closet and as I thought of things to bring I tossed them. I also often found myself pulling stuff out. Yet another T-shirt? Don’t need that. Sunproof long-sleeved shirt. Definitely yes!
Here’s a look at some of the essentials I’m bringing along:
1.     Quick-drying underwear: You'll be a lot more comfortable.
2.     Waterproof shoes: You might walk through puddles of stuff that you prefer to not get into your socks.
3.     Light-weight waterproof jacket: When it rains, it pours yet it can still be baking hot. Pack a jacket that's light.
4.     Breathable cotton and linen clothing: In Africa you’ll sweat more than you’ve ever sweat before. You’ll be more comfortable in light, airy clothing.
5.     Authentic clothing: A friend of mine visited Ghana and purchased some authentic clothing. She loaned it to me so I’ll have something to wear when I visit villages. The Ghanaians appreciate it when you wear their local dress.
6.     Medications: You’ll want some a prescription for Cipro in case you get diarrhea. I prefer Malarone for Malarlia. Yes, it’s more expensive. I also like to bring something to help me sleep on the plane. You’re enjoy your trip more if you arrive well-rested.
7.     Vaccination records: Ghana requires proof for the yellow fever vaccine.
8.     Passport: Don’t forget to look into necessary Visas well in advance.
9.     Guidebook: The Bradt guides are always thorough and cover every detail. 
10.  Photo of my kids: Africans love children and they’ll want to see photos of yours. This will help create a connection between you and people you meet.
11. Chewing gum: In case you’re hit with a bad case of heartburn.
12. Energy bars:  You’ll appreciate having some high-calorie, high-nutrient food on hand, especially if you get sick.
13. Sunscreen and a hat: The sun feels more powerful in Africa. Lather on lots of sunscreen.
14. Flashlight or headlamp: Even in the nicest hotels, the power can go out just like that.