Virgin Airlines is introducing cell phones on planes: Is this good or bad news??

Posted on 10:11 PM by
I used to consider an airplane a sanctuary. It was one of those few places where I could get away from it all. Well, mainly get away from my computer and the pressure to work. I have to do most of my work online so without an Internet connection it wasn't worth turning my computer on.

Instead, I'd laze around in my airplane seat reading books and magazines and watching movies. And then airlines started introducing online services...and I started working on plane flights. The glory days of relaxing on the plane were over...

And now things are getting even worse. Virgin Atlantic announced that it will soon be introducing cell phone service on some flights between New York and London. It'll cost you a pricey $1.20 but still there will now be added pressure on plane flights to answer that call from your boss. And I'm sure more airlines will soon follow and cell phone service on planes will become the norm...and we'll all have to listen to fellow passengers' annoying phone calls.

Source: CNET