It's a girl! Woman delivers baby on a plane

Posted on 9:56 PM by
A brave woman delivered a baby 25 minutes after take-off on an Aeroflot flight traveling from the Ukraine to Russia, according to UPI. Can you imagine? The plane climbs to 35,000 feet, the flight attendant starts pushing the drink cart down the aisle, and suddenly you're in labor.

Thankfully Anastasia Kozlova, who was only in her 30th week of pregnancy, got plenty of help. Four flight attendants and a nurse stepped in and delivered a baby girl.

At first the baby wasn't breathing but baby masseuse and trained nurse Sofia Biryukova, 23, realized the infant's passages were clogged with mucus and so she sucked on her mouth and nose, UPI reports.

The plane was quickly diverted and landed in a Ukraine airport where mother and baby were whisked away to a hospital

Let's hope Aeroloft gives this baby free flights for life!

Photo: lifecreations / Flickr