Thrifty Travel Fun: Tucson, AZ

Posted on 11:26 AM by
The rest of the country may be shivering, but there's still sun and heat in Arizona! Tucson, the state's second largest city, offers an escape from bulky winter coats, and lots of family fun, too.

"Gnome City" at Valley of the Moon

1. Spend a lazy day at Sabino Canyon. With swimming holes, waterfalls, and Sabino Creek all on hand, it's the perfect place to splash around and get a good dose of fresh air and sun. You might even spot a rabbit or a roadrunner. There's a $5 entrance fee for cars - pack a picnic and enjoy the day. (Don't forget the sunscreen!)

2. A unique universe built to appeal to the imagination of children - a small corner of the world filled with rock cliffs, caves, pools, greenery, and a rumored fairy or two. Sound too good to be true? Pay a visit and find out for yourself! George Phar Legler built Valley of the Moon in the 1920's, and today the venue hosts a  slightly mystical mish-mash of theater and family events. Check their calender - and if you go, watch out for those garden gnomes.

3. Raise your hand if you like giraffes - raise it really, really, REALLY high, because you're going to feed them! Reid Park Zoo lets you get up close and personal with everyone's favorite long-necked creatures. Super cool! Regular zoo admission is unusually affordable ($5 / $8 for children / adults) and feeding the giraffes will cost you an additional $2. Sign me up!