Fun and Original Road Trip Games

Posted on 8:17 AM by
While screens and headphones have their place, you can never have too many good old-fashioned games up your sleeve when heading out on a road trip. There are some real gems in this list over at BabyCenter, many that are new to me, no stranger to road trips!

I love Treasure in a Bottle: just drop ten or so household "treasures" (a button, a puzzle piece, etc.) into an empty soda bottle, fill with bird seed or rice, and seal the top closed. Then hand it over, with a list of the treasures buried inside: the kids will have to twist and shake the bottle to check off each one.

Encourage them to play with their food! Pack snacks with architectural potential, like pretzel sticks and mini marshmallows. First one to build the Eiffel Tower wins!

Here's the whole list of games at BabyCenter, and happy road tripping!