Long Amusement Park Lines Becoming More...Amusing

Posted on 8:57 AM by
Photo by Kirk McKoy / LA Times

The only "Are we therrrrrre yet?" worse than the one from the backseat is the one every two steps along the amusement park line, and with theme park attendance on the rise, those lines--often snaking across baking pavement-- aren't getting any shorter. But parks have started to wise up: if park attendees are there to have fun, why not keep the fun going even while in line? Many parks now keep waiting visitors cool under tents, even handing out buzzers to parents (think restaurant-style), and letting the kids scamper around and play while they wait. Other parks are upping the ante: jugglers and other entertainers are a common sight alongside long lines, and at Six Flags, visitors can use their cellphones to control video games playing on nearby screens.

As a parent, I'm a big fan of this trend: at the very least, the idea of shelling out half our savings on admission tickets makes me cringe a little less when I know the fun won't stop (and the meltdowns won't start) when we wait in line. Have you experienced this first hand yet? Has it made a difference for your family?

Read more on this movement at The Seattle Times.