Take Off With This First Flight-Themed Kids' App

Posted on 8:55 AM by

What's brightly colored and cute, keeps your kiddos entertained, and prepares them for their first time flying? The new app from Smart Fish! "Frequent Flyer" guides players through the process of air travel, from packing a suitcase to driving to the airport, going through security, boarding the plane, and beyond. It also takes them on a whirlwind tour of the world, teaching them about different destinations and cultures around
the globe.

First flights (or seconds or thirds) can be an understandable source of anxiety for young travelers; it's unfamiliar territory from start to finish. "Frequent Flyer" seems like it stands a real chance of quelling concerns, by providing a step-by-step (and fun) introduction to the whole affair.

In their review of "Frequent Flyer," Smart Apps For Kids said: "Smart, fun and absolutely the best way to prepare a child for flying... This masterpiece gets it right across the board... I wish all developers designed apps this smart and clever." Sounds good to me! I haven't tried the app myself, but I'd love to hear from any of you who have. Let me know what you thought!