Pura Tanah Lot (temple of the earth and sea)

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Pura Tanah Lot sits on its own island just off the southwest coast of Bali. On the night we visited, the tide was out, and locals waded through ankle-deep water to step foot on the sacred rock. They carried offerings, lovingly made from palm leaves, flowers, and incense. Tourists, who aren't allowed to enter the temple, stood back taking in the show, snapping photos.

Pura Tanah Lot is the most popular and photographed of the more than 20,000 temples that give Bali its nickname: "Island of the Gods." It's the first temple that we visited on our trip--and it offered us an introduction to the beauty of the Balinese people’s affection for Hinduism, the island’s predominant religion.

"Why can't we go on the island?" my daughter, Paris, asked me.

"Because it's sacred."

"What does that mean?"

“Well…this is a very special place for the people of Bali…”

“Why is it special?”

“Well…the people here practice a religion called Hinduism…and they believe there are Gods…Brahama…errr…Shiva…um…what’s the last one..Vishnu…”

“What are you talking about? Why can’t we go on the island?”

Luckily, foreigners can step into most temple complexes on Bali—that is, if they’re appropriately dressed. Usually, a sarong and a sash tied around the waist is an acceptable show of respect for the gods—and these can be rented the for about 20 cents at the more touristy temples.

You can imagine what my daughter was asking when we visited our next temple, where we were allowed to go inside.

“Mommy, why do you have to sear that skirt thing?”


Kadek Niti said...

Tanah Lot truly beautiful place in Bali

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Nikki Sarmiento said...

Wow its nice to sit this place. can you provide a video for this?