Kid-friendly motion sickness remedies

Posted on 8:59 PM by
Some kids can fly through the air upside down on amusement park rides without a twinge of discomfort, while others become clammy, dizzy, and nauseated. Turns out that my daughter is one of those kids who easily turns green---in the car, on the airplane, and especially on boats and theme park rides that go round and round. Since she's only 5-years-old, I'm unable to tame her tummy with medications, but I have found a few alternative remedies that help. Here are the three that work best:

Crackers, bagel, dry cereal. Carbohydrates soothe upset tummies by neutralizing gastric acids. They also sustain blood sugar levels and give your kid a kick of energy. Also, your stomach digests carbs faster than fatty foods--and when you're feeling ill the faster the better. You don't want a full stomach when you're feeling queasy.

Sea-Band and PSA Band. These wristbands stimulate the P6 acupuncture point on the inside of the wrist, believed in Eastern medicine to squelch nausea. You can get them in kid-sizes. My daughter thinks they're bracelets.

Ginger. The ancient Greeks and Romans used gingerroot for medicinal purposes, and Chinese sailors have long used ginger root to control seasickness. Closer to home, many moms in modern cultures turn to ginger ale to control their children’s upset stomachs and nausea. The American Pharmaceutical Association even acknowledges, to some extent, “the medicinal value of ginger.” I always carry crystalized ginger in my purse. I also like the candies made by The Ginger People and Reeds.


my cash company said...

Thanks for the tips, traveling with kids soon.