Is it possible to travel on $150 a day?

Posted on 10:22 AM by
Our itinerary for this summer's Mississippi road trip is set, and now we're onto figuring out the budget. And, well, it looks as if things are a little tight in our household. With our mortgage about to adjust to a higher rate, we'll have less extra money to spend. Sound familiar?

And so we have decided to make this a super-budget trip. We hope to make it all the way from the headwaters to the mouth on $150 a day. This will include hotel, food, gas, and entertainment. It doesn't include the money we'll have to spend to fly ourselves from San Francisco to Minnesota or from New Orleans back to San Francisco. Luckily, the low-fare carrier Southwest Airlines can get us to all these places so our airfares shouldn't break the bank.

I imagine that many traveling Americans will be counting their pennies this summer, so I hope to offer up some real-life tips based on my experience.

Stay tuned...before we hit the road I plan to start posting budget travel tips, so I can start learning how to travel on a shoestring.


Mara from Motherofalltrips said...

Great minds think alike! I'm planning a similar type of trip and will be blogging about it as well. My intention is to share how much I spend each day. Maybe we can help each other out. I'm not usually very good at being a budget traveler, honestly.

Shelby said...

oh I'm fascinated with the concept.. I'll have to follow along with your travel plans.. I just read a couple books about travel down (and up) the Mississippi (on the water actually). You'll have high adventure.

Demi said...

Love your blog! My family and I (hubby and 2 boys ages 9 & 19) love to travel too. One summer we drove from NYC to San Francisco in 12 days. Luckily I had lots of family and friends on the way so we only needed 6 hotels. We did Super 8 motels, one Holiday Inn and Circus Circus in Vegas, all with pools and high-speed internet. We usually did big buffet breakfasts, packed a lunch and a family pizza for dinner. We'd drive 4 hours, stop for lunch (kids run around), drive another 4 hours, then stop, swim, visit, and sleep. Best trip ever!