Want to travel the way you did as a kid?

Posted on 8:38 AM by
It's time to put on my Best Western spokesperson hat...

The hotel chain and AAA are offering one family the chance to find out how road trips have changed during the last 60 years by giving away a week-long summer trip. The “Retro to Now” road trip sweepstakes will turn back time this summer and send one family on the vacation of a lifetime--starting in the past and ending in present day.

Now through May 31, travelers are encouraged to log onto www.bestwestern.com/roadtrip to submit a picture of their family on a road trip or vacation. Ten finalists will be chosen from the submissions and posted to the Web site, where they will be available for the public to vote on. The photo with the most votes on June 12, 2009 will win the “Retro to Now” road trip prize.

The “Retro to Now” road trip will start in “retro” style, complete with an old-school vehicle, paper maps and car games, as well as other familiar supplies of yesteryear. Mid-way through the trip, the vacationing family will fast-forward to “now” and be equipped with a modern vehicle, GPS device, DVD players and all the conveniences of modern day.

The grand prize winning family will receive a road trip for four, including airfare, transportation and accommodations, hitting some of North America’s most popular landmarks.

For official rules, visit www.bestwestern.com/roadtrip.