Caculate your carbon emissions from flying

Posted on 9:05 AM by
We're all aware that our cars are puffing out carbon dioxide every time we drive. The media has ingrained into our minds that car pollution contributes to global warming. But when we hop on a plane and zip across the country or over to Europe, we often forget that the airplane is also contributing to CO2 buildup. But maybe we should think twice.
"Planes are roughly comparable to cars in fuel consumption per passenger mile, at least with respect to carbon dioxide output," according to a recent story on "It makes for an easy comparison; a 60-hour cross-country car trip burns up about the same amount of fuel per passenger, and has the same 'carbon footprint,' as a five-hour cross-country flight."

If this all seems a little too confusing, there's a new way to calculate the impact of your traveling on the environment: the Flight CO2 calculator offered by TripBase. You simply type in your departure city and your destination and then you'll know exactly how much C02 you're emitting. And then you wonder, What should I do with this information?