When families take separate planes

Posted on 2:52 PM by

A Swedish mother and her child were among the passengers onboard the Air France flight that tragically crashed in the Atlantic Ocean en route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris on Monday, the Expressen reports.

According to the Swedish newspaper, 34-year-old Christine Badre Schnabl and her 5-year-old son Philipe had been living in Rio de Janeiro for the last 10 years and were returning to Sweden for a vacation.
Interestingly, Schanbl's husband and her other child were joining them too but they were on a separate flight, specifically because the couple feared losing their entire family in a single air disaster.
When I was a child, I remember my mom telling me about some family friends who did the same thing. The mom would take one flight with two sons and the father hopped on another with the third son, so if a plane went down at least half of the family would survive.
I think this stuck in my mind because the family's intentional planning for a plane crash made the possibility of one happening seem likely--when in actuality the odds of a crash happening are extremely low. (On NPR today, I heard an expert say that more people get run over by trains than die in plane crashes.) I remember asking my mom why our family didn't split up when we flew. Her response: "If we go down, I'd rather we all go down together."
Does your family split up and take separate flights when you travel? Or would you prefer to all go down together? I realize this is a terribly morbid question and honestly I don't know what I'd prefer. Flying separately sounds like a lot of work to me and the possibility of a crash happening is so slim. But I'm certainly happy to hear that Schanbl's husband and other child are alive and well and I wish them the best in working through this difficult time.


Amy @ The Q Family said...

My sister and her husband did that on our trip to Hong Kong for the same reason. I personally am on the same camp as your mom. If it will happen, I would rather we are all together.

Anonymous said...

I say all together

familyadventureguidebooks said...

We fly in the same plane, but I must confess it makes me nervous when my husband and I fly together without the kids. That's when I would rather split the odds so to speak. Our kids need at least one parent.