10 things to pack on a 10-year anniversary trip

Posted on 8:33 AM by
My husband and I are only minutes away from leaving for our 10-year anniversary trip to Barcelona. I'm excited to rekindle our marriage and I've got a suitcase loaded with stuff to make sure we do...

Here are 10 things I packed to help make our vacation memorable...

1) Wedding vows (I dug up the note cards that we read from at our wedding ceremony)
2) Love letters (I also found a bunch of old letters my husband and I wrote to each other when we were first dating; it'll be fun to re-read them)
3) A short dress (My daughter isn't around to tell me that I look silly, so why not?)
4) Candles (for turning a hotel room into a romantic retreat)
5) Cork screw (in case we want to pop a bottle of champagne in our hotel room)
6) Advil (for the next morning)
7) Romantic book (I packed My Life in France, the story of Julia Child moving to Paris with her husband; my husband and I will read it to one another every night)
8) Camera (to record the memories)
9) Journal (I figure it'll be fun to go back and read about our 10-year anniversary trip when we're on our 20-year anniversary trip)
10) A gift (I'm still working on this one. I need to get him something, but what?)


britney said...

Oh great to hear that you never leave each other for a minute!!!
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PN said...

Oh Wow! have fun. my husband and I were in Spain two years ago and loved Paco Meralgo (restaurant) in Barcelona. It's one of my favorite cities.

Anonymous said...

Very lovely and romantic post. If you want to make your trip with full of lovely memories so take a trip with Virgin Atlantic Code just like my memories.

Paris hotels said...

I very much enjoyed hearing about your anniversary trip. I took my wife to Paris and we had a great time. We also got a great deal on the tickets by ordering through lastminutetravel.com. Now I have to think of where to go next year. Any suggestions?

New York Hotel said...

Barcelona is such a romantic city. i live in clifornia so me and my husband celebrated 10 years ago in beacelona! it was the best. and now we celebrate in nyc for 4 days. a bit different but still amazing too