Slide show: Barcelona

Posted on 11:37 PM by
Everyone who has been to Barcelona in recent years seems to have a pick-pocketing story. On the Metro, along the Ramblas, and at the beach—thieves snatch purses, wallets, cameras.

My husband and I were determined to not lose anything of value so we left our fancy camera at home and brought a crappy, old point-and-shoot that was on its last legs. The thing actually broke on about the fifth day of the trip.

Regardless, we were able to get a few good pictures--and a lot of bad ones. Here's a slide show featuring our photographs.


Meghan said...

Amy, great shots! Brought back many memories of my amazing time in Barce. I spent 6+ months in Spain and was one of the lucky few to never get pick-pocketed. Hope you guys had the same luck!