Do you feel guilty about leaving the kids behind?

Posted on 9:34 AM by
Two years ago my husband and I left our kids--ages 4 and 6 at the time--with the grandparents and hopped on a plane for Barcelona. We stayed out until 2 a.m. every night and slept in until 2 p.m. We walked miles upon miles, exploring the Spanish city, and we spent hours in museums. Most importantly, we reconnected as a couple, reminiscing about old times over pitchers of sangria.

We were away from our kids for five days and while I missed them, I didn't feel a tinge of guilt. We needed that trip.

Turns out that I'm not alone. According to a recent survey by Orbitz, 71% of women do not feel guilty about taking a summer vacation without their kids. This number was even higher than the men polled, though 67% of men would also take that summer trip kid-free sans guilt.

Have you left your kids behind? Did you feel guilty?