New website magically puts together road-trip itineraries

Posted on 10:27 PM by
So you want to go on a family road trip this summer. You're thinking Florida. You have two kids who will want to spend some time at an amusement park and you also hope to squeeze in a few days of hiking and getting out in nature. You'd like to stay a few nights in a hotel and then move onto the next locaion. You have seven days and a budget of $3500.

You could spend hours online doing research and planning, or you could simply let a new website called YourTour know what you want and then presto, it spits out an itinerary that includes recommended attractions, accommodations, and precise driving directions between destinations.

The site is brand-new and currently only puts together itineraries for Florida, Andorra, Spain, and France (where Best Western Hotels have partnered with Your Tour). But stay tuned because the site will be adding new destinations soon. Visit,