'Helena Independent Record' covers On the Go with Amy

Posted on 9:59 AM by
Thank you to the Helena Independent Record for reporting on my budget road trip through Montana. Below is an excerpt from the story. You can find the full feature here.

Amy Graff has traveled around the world, but nothing had quite prepared her for Montana.

“I just have to say, I fell in love with your state,” said the San Francisco Chronicle columnist and blogger. “I was blown away.”

Graff, a former senior editor at VIA magazine, spent more than a week with her family of four traveling through some of the most majestic sites in the Treasure State for a section of her blog “On the go with Amy,” (onthegowithamy.blogspot.com) sponsored by Best Western Hotels. The goal of the journey: to have fun and enjoy the sights while surviving on a budget of about $200 per day.

What Graff found in the nine-day trip were timeless bits of history, gorgeous scenes of nature and generous locals that made for memories more vivid than the photos collected on her website.

“I couldn’t get over how amazing it is there,” she said. “Why didn’t I know about this?”

Perhaps it’s because this immense state with a small population takes pride in being the “Last Best Place,” the one kept secret from much of the world but still willing to open its arms to the wandering visitor.