Splurging on wetsuits in San Diego

Posted on 4:45 AM by
Hotels rooms under $100, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, cheap flights with long layovers and strange departure times. I'm used to seeking out deals when traveling. Our family can only afford to travel on the cheap.

And so when we went to San Diego with some friends for a beach getaway, I was hesitant to splurge on wetsuit rentals. Two-hundred and fifty dollars to rent wetsuits for a family of four for five days—ouch! It pained me to spend that kind of money, especially since the rest of the trip was already pushing us to the edge financially. But our friends kept saying that the water is cold and you won't enjoy yourselves without a wetsuit.

We caved, and it was some of the best money I've ever spent.

We spent hours riding the waves on boogie boards in Solana Beach. It's the first time my kids have ever really liked being in the ocean. And now my son (pictured left) wants to become a surfer.