Best Western Wakulla Inn, Crawfordville, Fl.

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The Best Western Plus Wakulla Inn isn't close to any typical Florida attractions--no amusement parks with thrill rides, no beaches lined with colorful umbrellas, no sparkling shopping malls with ritzy stores. It seems to sit in the middle of nowhere--and that's what makes it so appealing. It's located in a place where you can connect with a wilder, more natural Florida.

The hotel is actually in the middle of northern Florida's pristine Forgotten Coast, about 30 minutes outside Tallahassee. It's in an area where the vegetation grows thick, Spanish moss hangs from the trees, and alligators hang out in the marshy rivers.

The main draw to this area is Wakulla Springs State Park, the world's largest fresh water springs. Over 600,000 gallons of 70-degree water a minute flow through the three acre pool a minute. On a guided boat tour, you can explore the springs and take in the wildlife, including manatee, alligators, and all sorts of birds.

Back at the hotel you can enjoy clean, comfortable rooms and an outdoor swimming pool. Hot breakfast is included with the room.