Fantastic Tips for Bringing Kids to an Art Museum

Posted on 8:14 PM by

Museums rank high on most vacationers' itineraries, but it's no secret that many museums, especially of the art variety, don't mesh well with kids. Room after room of old paintings, lots of things you can't touch, high ceilings and marble floors perfectly designed to amplify the "I'm booooreds"...who can blame families for skipping art museums altogether? But what a shame! Art museums have so much to teach, and each one is unique - how sad to miss out when you're in the neighborhood.

I was thrilled, therefore, to come across this handy list of Tips For Taking Kids To An Art Museum. The parents behind the travel blog Gone With The Family clearly know a thing or two about successful family visits to the art museum, and I can't wait to try out their suggestions on my family's next vacation.

A sampling of the great tips:

  Prepare for the Visit:

The most important step for a successful museum visit will probably take place before you ever leave home.  There are a number of great books and other resources that can be used to introduce kids to art and get them excited about what they are going to see...[And] consulting the kids to find out what they are most interested in seeing at a museum will improve your chances of having a successful visit. 

  Limit Time:

Don't plan on spending a full day in a museum or the entire family is likely to end up exhausted and grumpy.  An hour or too will be more than enough with younger kids and even older kids and many adults start to lose interest beyond half a day. 

And of course...
 Wear Comfortable Walking Shoes!

This is truly a wonderful list - click through to take advantage of the full thing. And happy museum-ing!