Mary Poppins, Your In-Cabin Nanny

Posted on 9:38 AM by

Forget a miniature bag of pretzels and paper-thin blanket: the latest luxury in airline travel is Mary Poppins herself. Etihad Airways has teamed up with a prestigious nanny school to train cabin crew in assisting families in the air. So far 300 orange apron-clad cabin-nannies have taken to the sky, keeping flying kiddos busy with snacks, crafts, and more. Read more about the new service here.

Although I would imagine this service comes with a hefty price tag (the article doesn't mention it), I'd love to see it available to all. (A mom can dream, right?) Knowing a friendly, trained professional will be onboard to help keep the kids busy and happy would take a big chunk of stress out of flying with the family, and I imagine other, non-family passengers would agree!

What do you think? If an in-flight nanny service were available for a reasonable fee, would you do it?