8 Tips For Healthy Eating On The Road

Posted on 11:07 AM by

Staying on top of healthy eating is hard enough in your own kitchen, but when the whole family's on the road, keeping the kids (and you, too) on a healthy diet becomes much more challenging. In my opinion, though, it's well worth the effort: healthy, nutritious snacks and meals  make for more energetic, less meltdown-prone little travelers, and they need the fuel for all the extra walking, learning, and processing that traveling to new places asks of them.

Judy Robbins, a Colorado-based family travel expert, wrote up a great list of 8 Tips for Healthy Eating for Travel Mamas (a fantastic resource itself). While I already had some of her tips and tricks in my repertoire, many of them made me say "Why didn't I think of that?". For example: start your good-health campaign before you set out; sneak immune-boosting foods into your family's meals to help them stay healthy once you hit the road. And if you're flying, don't limit the healthy snacks to what you can fit in your carry-on: pack an extra stash of nutritious snacks you know the kiddos like in your checked luggage, and they'll be snack-happy the whole trip.

Check out the rest of the Healthy Eating Tips here, and if you have any tricks of your own, leave them in the comments!