Print Yourself Some Thanksgiving Road Trip Sanity

Posted on 9:39 AM by
Thanksgiving is a week off, and whether we're driving two towns away to the cousins', an hour upstate to the airport, or over the river and through the woods (and around the rotary and left onto the highway and 45 exits to the turn you always miss) to grandmother's house...most of us will be spending at least a bit of family time packed into the car.

What's one thing you can be thankful for? Free road trip activity printables! Road trips, no matter the length, are a great time to get the family doing a shared activity, and who has time to squabble when there are license plates to hunt down?! (Ok, ok, in a perfect world...) They may be the oldest tricks in the road trip book, but classics like roadside bingo, hangman, word searches, and license plate checklists are still some of my favorite ways to pass miles on the road. MiniTime has a great library of games, all free for the printing; stick a stack in the glovebox, and pull one out as soon as the first round of snacks is done.

One more thing: have an extra slice of pumpkin pie for me! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!