Book holiday travel now

Posted on 11:04 AM by
Planning to go away in November or December? If you don't already have your plane and lodging reservations, start making phone calls and checking online right now.

In June, I contacted a travel agent and asked her to book flights to Thailand. I was surprised when she said that she could get us over there but we were wait listed for the return flight.

With airlines offering fewer flights due to rising fuel costs, it can be a challenge to find a flight these days--especially over the holidays, the busiest travel time.

While I was waiting for a confirmation on the flight, I started to look for lodging in Phuket. We are traveling with another family and we wanted to rent a house. Our budget is $300 a night. I looked and I looked and found nothing. Everything in our price range was taken--and even the $5,000 a night places were full.

So we decided to switch our destination to Bali, where we found a villa for rent at $350 a night. I probably emailed 30 other places and all of them were full. I called our agent back (by this time it was July) and asked her to look into Bali. She didn't think she would find something but finally after a week she dug up flights.

Moral of the story: Start thinking about your 2009 holiday travel plans now--and then get on the phone.