Amazing product for packing light

Posted on 7:00 AM by
These days packing light and stuffing everything into one bag is crucial since all major airlines are charging for checking in luggage. Dr. Bronner's Magic 18-in-One Soap is a product that takes up little space in your bag (try a 2 oz. bottle for $2.49) and promises 18 different uses: toothpaste, shampoo, laundry detergent, mouth wash, body wash, shaving cream, bubble bath, and the list goes on. The 60-year-old company makes it soaps with a simple, and short list of ingredients: organic extra virgin coconut, olive, jojoba and hemp oils.

What's more the soap is completely biodegradable and vegetable-based, made with certified fair trade and organic oils, and packaged in 100 percent post-consumer recycled bottles.


DeliciousBaby said...

I've been a fan of this soap for a long time! My kids use it in the bath & we bring it when we travel. It's nice to use a product that doesn't have a lot of unneeded chemicals

Jennifer said...

wow! this is incredible...great way to save these days too!