Ask Amy: Cleaning baby bottles in Mexico

Posted on 10:01 PM by
Question: I was digging around on the Internet for information on traveling to Mexico with an infant and came across your September 9, 2008, entry. I was curious to know if you have any advice for cleaning baby bottles while in Mexico. We are planning to use bottled water for formula, but I don't know if I need to wash the bottles with bottled water as well. We won't have access to a microwave to boil water or to use sterilizing bags so I'm trying to figure out what is best to do. My son is 3 months old and we are still wondering with all of the gear and supplies we have to bring along if we are insane for traveling to Mexico with him . . . the things you do for family (my sister-in-law is getting married there). Your entry has given me some confidence, so thanks!

Answer: First off, take a deep breath and relax. You're going to have a great time in Mexico and your baby will be fine. Just like you, I was worried about traveling there with my 1-year-old, but everything worked out and we had a great trip. I did use bottled water to wash the baby bottles. Our hotel said that the water from the faucet was filtered and safe to drink but I wanted to be extra careful. Be sure to buy the water from an established supermarket or the hotel--rather than from a small stand on the street. Sometimes these small stands refill used bottles. Before you go, be sure to check in with your child's pediatrician who might have tips on how to keep your baby safe and healthy while you're traveling. Have fun!


Luka said...

I plan to go to Cancun in April with my 8 months old dangter and 3 years old son. I want to know is it ok to bring the ready to feed formula to Mexico? What about medicine? Thanks so much for your information.

Anonymous said...

We recently bought a timeshare in Mexico through TRA We have a toddler and we're planning to take him with us. Any suggestions as to what places will appeal to him?

no tramadol said...

Thanks for this very informative post.

hair bows by lisa said...

I agree with you on not risking it on tap water. Thanks for sharing this.