How to carry it all on

Posted on 7:44 AM by
Last week the world's largest airline announced that it's charging for checked bags. Delta is the last major carrier to do so. You'll pay $15 for the first piece of luggage, and $25 for the second. Now that the airlines are hitting passengers with these fees, more people will be rolling carry-ons onto the plane. But this requires packing light. Here are some tips on how to squeeze everything you need for three days or three weeks into just one bag.

Consult a packing list. The Internet is full of lists geared to packing light. Travel guru and guidebook author Rick Steves's is especially useful; to find it, click here.

Bring only one pair of shoes. This is one area where travelers tend to overdo it. You don't need a pair of shoes for every outfit. Instead bring only one pair of comfortable shoes that goes with everything. An exception to this rule is when you're traveling to the tropics where you'll want a pair of sandals.

Dress in black and blues. Dark colors don't show wrinkles or stains. You can always have cothing dry cleaned through the hotel, wash it in the sink, or ask if the hotel has a washer and dryer for guests.

Don't pack for the worst case scenario. Risk shivering for a day rather than taking a heavy coat. If you get hit with unexpectedly cold weather, you can simply buy yourself a new jacket. Consult weather reports the night before you leave to help you decide what to bring. And if you are heading for a place with cold weather, wear your jacket on the plane.

Use the hotel shampoo. You can limit toiletries by using those provided by your hotel. Even most budget hotels provide a small bottle of shampoo and hand lotion. But you'll definitely need to bring some essentials, which might include toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, sunscreen, and anything else that you use on a daily basis. Consider a vacation from cosmetics or just bring a lipstick and mascara.

Check the TSA Web site. The Transporation Security Administration has all sorts of rules for what you can bring onto the plane. For example, all liquids, gels, and aerosols must be in three-ounce or smaller container and then placed in a single, quart-size, zip-top, clear plastic bag. For more info, visit

Buy the right bag. Check the airlines' weight and size restrictions for carry-ons before purchasing a bag. The formula used to find the maximum size carry-on bag for most airlines is 45 inches linear: length plus width plus depth. The bags pictured above are from Flight 001, a travel gear Web site. Another great resource is eBags.


Marianne Cushing said...

Traditionally I check my bag. This past weekend I decided to carry on to save the $15 from US Airways. Lo and behold I managed to fit it all in (surprisingly) and even eliminate the liquids as I was going to a relative's house so I could borrow everything. The problem? Well, with everyone else having the same idea, by the time I boarded, every overhead compartment was full all the way to the front of the plane. Seemed a bit unfair since I was in row 12, so the back of the plane people had used our compartments on their way by. I did the math, each overhead accommodated 2 rows of 3 seats, but only fits 3 carry-ons, thus if over 50% of people carry-on, your bag won't fit. Hmmmph! It made me want to "cheat" and get on before I was called to get my fair space. I hope they come up with a better solution! Thanks for your tips Amy...

elizabeth said...

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I loved your blog and read it from the Ubud beginning to the very end!
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warmest regards