Do you have a friend who's working too much and needs to getaway? Issue a Vacation Citation

Posted on 8:58 PM by
It's a fact. We, as Americans, don't take enough vacation.

The average American takes some nine days of vacation, and only 10 percent take the full two weeks the typical worker is granted by his employer. And the U.S. is the only industrialized country that doesn't require workers to take vacation.

What about other countries? In France, you must take 30 days off a year from your full-time job. In England, 20 and in Germany, 22.

Best Western Hotels wants to help Americans step away from their computers and take more vacations. They've created a new promotion that allows you to pick a friend who needs to take a vacation and issue a Vacation Citation—demanding that they take a break from it all.

In return, you get the chance to enter to win a dream vacation.

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