Expert Tips for Surviving Road Trips Without Electronics

Posted on 8:07 AM by

Never pass up on the chance to stop and take pictures with bizarre roadside attractions: here are my kids stretching their legs (and giggling) in New Mexico.

My family will be spending many hours in the car on our Arizona trip next week, and while we're no stranger to road trips, I'm always on the hunt for new ways to pass the time without relying on electronics. (Although, yes, they have their place, too!)

Family Travels on a Budget wrote two great pieces on the subject, one for youngsters and one for the older crowd. I love that, when her boys were too little for the usual licence plate-type car games, she would tell them that hills in the road were roller-coasters - arms up in the air on the way down! Now that her kids are older, she's got a new batch of tips, including getting them more involved in activity planning: one of her sons makes the playlists, and the whole family plays "Name That Tune".

Read her full Tips for Tots list here, and Tips for Tweens and Teens here.