Look at our hot road-trip wheels!

Posted on 9:15 PM by
The rental car reservation was for a compact economy car—the cheapest available. After all we're traveling on a budget and we wanted a small car with good gas mileage since we'd be driving over 500 miles.

But there was a problem with our car choice—the trunk was too small for our suitcases (and we packed light!)

"You'll need a bigger car..." the agent told me.

"But I have to get good fuel economy. I'm on a budget of $250 a day and I can't spend a lot on gas."

"We have a Ford C-Max Hybrid..."

"How much does that cost?"

"We'll charge you more a day but you'll make up the difference in gas. The car gets 52 miles to the gallon on the highway."

I was sold!

"We'll take the car!"

The kids were excited about our new hot wheels.