Thrifty Travel Fun: Cape Cod, MA

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Piecing together your family's summer travel plans? Consider Cape Cod! As temperatures rise and the Atlantic Ocean finally warms up (a teeny tiny bit, anyway), families flock to Massachusetts' most beloved beaches and beach towns. Below, three budget-friendly family fun activities on the Cape.  

1. Who exactly lives in the Atlantic and along its shores? Kids and grown-ups alike will love exploring, and getting answers, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The world's largest private oceanographic research center is located near the beginning of the Cape, and offers free behind-the-scenes walking tours twice a day during the summer. Check with them for times, and for special events as well.

2. Take a stroll along Provincetown's Commercial Street, lined with restaurants, shops, and galleries, to get a flavor of the local culture. Your destination? The saltwater taffy shop, of course! Let the kiddos pick out a few of the brightly colored candies, then head to Provincetown's Race Point, a prime whale-spotting lookout. (Be sure to check out the lighthouse as well!)

3. "Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the crowd..." The Cape Cod Baseball League plays in towns all over the Cape, and there's no better way to spend a summer's night than with the family wrapped up in sweaters, munching on cracker jacks, cheering on tomorrow's baseball stars as they race around the diamond. (Since the Cape league is a non-profit, admission to games is free, although some will ask for donations.)

Want more budget-friendly Cape Cod tips? Check out's fantastic list of 25 free things to do on the Cape - all the ideas above come from their list!