Thrifty Travel Fun: Portland, OR

Posted on 5:32 PM by
It's no secret that Portland is a great place to head on family vacation. It's got enough character for a city five times its size! Here are three tips for fun, family-friendly activities in Portland that won't take you over budget.

1. Welcome to the Kennedy School, boys and girls: please take your seats. This former elementary school has been converted into a hotel, and is one of the true gems of Portland. And better yet, non-guests are welcome to take advantage of the Kennedy School! Their ceramic, heated Soaking Pool is open to the public from 10 am to 8 pm for $5 a person. Afterwards, curls up on a sofa in the former school auditorium for a movie: check the schedule for family-appropriate films. Admission is $1 for the 11-and-under set, and $3 for 12-and-up.

2. There's just something about rollerskating. Head to Oaks Park to take advantage of their historic wooden roller rink; if you're lucky, you'll hear music from the mighty Murlitzer pipe organ! Admission to their open skate sessions (check the schedule here) is $6 per skater. (While the amusement park portion of Oaks Park is only open during the summer, the rink is open year round.)

3. Just a few minutes from downtown Portland, Washington Park is a family destination. No matter what you're looking for - peace and quiet, a spot for a picnic, a short hike, or lots of space for a game of Frisbee - you can find it in the park. Wander through the International Rose Test Garden (wow!), and stop off at the colorful Children's Park nearby. In addition, the Oregon Zoo and the Portland Children's Museum are located in the park - how convenient!

Accommodation Tip: How delightful does Best Western Inn at the Meadows sound?! And the proof: free parking, free wifi, and free breakfast, plus easy access to downtown Portland.