Handmade travel games on Etsy

Posted on 7:39 PM by
Who knew? Etsy, a website where artists feature their handmade items, is a great place to find travel games for kids.

I recently came across these three while browsing the site. They all make great stocking stuffers—though you might want to give them to the kids before the long drive to grandma's house.

My Pocket Games is a portable handheld game free of annoying beeps, buzzes and batteries. It contains five fun games: Tic Tac Toe, Dots and Boxes, Hangman, Alphabet Game, and Pipes. Directions for each game are included. There is also a blank page where kids can draw or make up their own game. The rainbow colored pages pictured are just for example. $5.50.

Never lose a crayon again with this Cloth Wallet. Each crayon has it's own little pouch. They won't fall out in your purse or get lost under the car seat! Comes with 8 Crayola crayons and one pad of paper. Lined with fleece to offer a bit of padding and support. Machine washable. $11.

Turn off the car's DVD player and drum up some imagination... get them looking out the windows at the world around them! TravelnPlay features three laminated cards and three dry erase markers with built in erasers. Two of the cards have bingo for a little healthy car competition each card with a different set of activities on the reverse side so once you are done with your game you can switch with the other person! The third card is the ever popular license plate game that the whole family can play together! Every time you see a different state's license plate x off the state... Not only is the game fun... but you may just learn where each state is located! $15.


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