I'm all for airport security but I'm afraid the TSA went too far when they accosted a 3-year-old at an airport in Tennessee. Three-year-old Mandy Simon (pictured) got upset when she was forced to put her teddy bear through the X-ray machine. And then when she walked through the metal detector she kept setting it off. This led TSA workers to demand a pat down.
Mandy screamed, yelled and kicked--and her father, Steve Simon, who happens to be a news report took video footage with his phone and later did a news segment. Watch the video.
What do you think? Did the TSA go too far with this one?
I can't see any issue with this. The reason we go through this ordeal is to try to ensure that explosives and weapons don't get on the plane. A bomb or weapon is as likely to be strapped to a child as it is to the parent. I think the parent should be partially to blame for not working with the TSA to calm the child and get the inspection done quietly. Way too much is being made of this.
Video has been pulled b/c of copyright claims (guessing the reporter's employer, maybe).
Anyway, yes. The TSA is going too far. And it saddens me that my girls will not get to fly when they are young b/c I refuse to put them through such madness.
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