Rule #4: Never pass up an airport playground.

Posted on 7:25 PM by
After a delay in Atlanta, we finally arrived in Philadelphia at 7 p.m.—and Dante was exploding with energy. As we were walking to baggage claim, he spotted a play area for kids. "I want to go there!" Dante squealed. I was eager to get into town but how could I deny my son who endured 10 hours of traveling a chance to play.

Dante got all his ya-yas out at the Aviation Play Station in Terminal D at Philadelphia International Airport. He zipped down the slide, played pilot in a mini jet, and refueled a plane at a pint-size gas pump (pictured above).

To find more airport play areas check out the Kids' Guide to Airport Amusements at CheapFlights. Do you have a favorite airport play area?


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