What he's talking about is Ride the Ducks, an amphibious sightseeing tour. You hop into an unusual vehicle, a Duck (pictured above), that travels along the streets of the Historic District, South Street area, and Old City, before plunging into the Delaware River. The Ducks are based on the DUKWs that were first built by General Motors in 1942 for use in World War II, but today they make the perfect tour buses--and boats.
Our guide, Jake (pictured), laced the tour with humor and pop culture references. "Anyone seen the movie National Treasure?" Jake asked our group as we passed Independence Hall. "Well, in the movie Nicholas Cage runs to the top of the bell tower in that building. Oh yeah, and the Declaration of Independence was signed there too."
He also inserted all sorts of unusual facts. "Benjamin Franklin says that he did his best work in the buff. He called it 'taking an air bath.'"
And Jake played music over the radio to go along with the sights. Before our vehicle splashed into the Delaware River, he blared the song from Jaws.
My son found this all laugh-out-loud funny and I actually learned a lot along the way. Kevin Bacon's father, Edmund, is responsible for the restoration of most of the red brick homes in Philly's storybook-perfect Society Hill neighborhood. Who knew?
I'm with Dante! The Duck tour was one of my favorite parts of our trip to Boston :)
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