Rule #7: Resist the TV in the hotel room.

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After visiting the Liberty Bell, Dante and I walked across the street to tour Independence Hall. It was in the Assembly Room (pictured below) of this building that George Washington was appointed commander in chief of the Continental Army in 1775 and the Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776. In the same room the design of the American flag was agreed upon in 1777 and the U. S. Constitution was drafted in 1787. It was also in this room that my son said to me, "Mommy, can we go back to the hotel to watch TV?"

At that moment, I kicked myself for allowing Dante to watch TV for an hour in the hotel room before breakfast. I wanted to check email and unpack our bags and setting him in front of the boob tube was so easy. But I knew, if I wasn't careful, that the TV would become the highlight of his trip.

After Independence Hall, we headed to the National Constitution Center, where interactive exhibits communicate the history and meaning of the U.S. Constitution. While we were sitting in the center's theater waiting to watch the show, "Freedom Rising," Dante said to me, "Mommy, you need to buy aqua balls."


"Aqua balls."

"What are you talking about?"

"Mommy, I saw them on TV this morning. You stick them in the dirt next to your plants and they water your plants for you. Mommy, you won't have to water the plants. I saw it on TV."

In the evening we returned to the hotel for a break before dinner.

"Can we watch TV, Mommy?"

"No, let me read you a book."


Ross Audiobooks said...

Great descriptions of Philly, thanks.
And, on the plane ride home get the children to listen to some very educational and entertaining audio books. This will keep them occupied.