6 reasons why the train is a great way to travel with kids

Posted on 11:57 AM by
On our journey between Oakland and San Luis Obispo the kids and I fell in love with train travel. Our six-hour trip whizzed by as we enjoyed our room in the sleeper car, talked with other passengers, and savored chocolate ice cream in the dining car. Here are six reasons why I think trains are a great way to go when you're traveling with kids.

1) Friendly people who welcome children.

When my two kids, Paris age 6 and Dante age 4, boarded the train the conductor smiled and said, “Welcome Aboard.”

He checked our tickets. Looking at my daughter, Paris, he said, “Your sweatshirt says your name is Gap, but the ticket says Paris. What’s your name little girl?” Paris giggled. As we were walking to our sleeper car, she said, “People are really nice on the train, mama.”

But what surprised me even more were the other passengers. They were all delighted to see the kids. “What’s your name sweetie?” Where are you going?” “Are you going to visit grandma?” They all wanted to chit-chat with the children.

My kids made friends with a couple in the sleeper car next to ours. Mary and Wally Kamer entertained my kids while I worked on my laptop. They are veteran passengers and they frequently bring their grandkids, ages 7 and 8, on train trips. “They love it,” Mary says. “They just look out the train at all there is to see—and I get to relax.”

2) Lots of legroom.
Our car attendant named Santee led us to our room in the sleeper car. It seemed like a palace with its own bathroom, a sink, a garbage can, a closet, big picture window, a long couch, and a lounge chair. There was also an upper bunk bed if we wanted to take a nap. The kids dumped out their toys and played for hours while I read a book. Ahhh...the life!

3) Interesting scenery outside the window.
There are lots of interesting things to see outside the train window: backyards, junkyards, lumberyards, gravel mines, mountains of Morton Salt, gulls scavenging at a garbage dump, orchards of flowering trees, harbor seals lounging in the sun at the Elk Horn Slough, lots of rolling green hills dotted with oak trees, the San Andreas Fault, a deer running through a grassy field, and a former stage coach route.

4) On time schedule.
The Coast Starlight left Oakland right on time--and it arrived in San Luis Obispo 30 minutes early. In fact, over the past 12 months, the Starlight has been on time 87 percent of the time.

5) Electrical outlets.
On an airplane your kids throw a tantrum when the DVD player runs out of juice. On a train you plug your DVD player into an outlet.

6) Yummy food.
"Would you like French toast or an omelet? Or we have an egg sandwich with bacon?" our server said to us in the dining car where we had breakfast. "Here, why don’t you take a look at the menu.”

Menu! Yes, they have that on the train. Also, there are white tablecloths, red carnations in little vases, fresh green salads for lunch, chocolate Haagen Daazs ice cream for dessert, and scenic views outside your tableside window. Meals are included when you pay for the sleeper car.


Sharlene said...

Honestly I had ever considered a train before because they take so long but I bet my kids would have a blast. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Same here, i thought kids might be annoyed with the long hours of travel but you made it sound the other way around that's why i'm considering it this days when we'll travel again. Thanks
I was just wondering if you might w ant to check out the sight i found about Travel by Train, maybe you'll find it interesting.


uncleump said...

I usually travel by train every 1-2 years. For those of you who might be interested, you can become a member of the National Association of Railroad Passangers (NARP) that helps to promote travel on Amtrak. I believe you get a 10-15% discount on train travel if you buy tickets online & signup as an "NARP" Member. You can go to "www.narp.org" to register.