Ask Amy: Is Mexico safe for a 3-month-old baby?

Posted on 8:12 PM by

Question: I just found your blog and it feels like a lifesaver right now... or soulsaver I guess I should say. I just found out I'm 2 months pregnant (not planned). I do retreats out of the country and have been excited about my career path and the possibilities for travel in my future. Having a family is something I didn't really have strong ambitions for, although I did feel I would welcome the experience. Finding out I am pregnant was less than welcomed at first. After a few weeks now of processing, I am starting to get excited. Your blog makes me happy to see that women are traveling and living their lives WITH babies. So here is my question for you:

I am scheduled to co-facilitate a really great women's retreat the first week of Dec, 2012 in Mexico. My due date is August 29th. Any advice on taking a 3 month old to a yoga resort in Mexico? I will be teaching 2 classes a day. Also, in March of this year, I am co-facilitating a retreat to Nicaragua. Any thoughts on traveling pregnant to a 3rd world country?

Answer: My best advice is: Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

I can remember when one of my best friends asked me to be in her wedding in Mexico, and I had a baby and was pregnant. I spent weeks fretting over dirty drinking water and strange viruses. I called my pediatrician in a panic and asked: "Do you think I should just cancel the trip?" She told me what I just told you: "Don't worry."

And it was good advice. We ended up having a lovely time and there were no problems. Mexicans adore children. At dinner, the waitstaff would take turns holding our daughter while we ate. Once a waitress even rocked her to sleep.

If you're nursing, feeding your 3-month-old will be easy. You'll want to make sure to stay healthy by drinking bottled water and don't eat any uncooked vegetables. Bring some PeptoBismal tablets just in case. And check in with your doctor and pediatrician a couple weeks before you leave. You might consider locating a pediatrician close to where you'll be staying in Mexico before you go.

As for traveling while pregnant, you'll find a few tips here.