Best Western Golden Key, Auburn, Calif.

Posted on 10:32 PM by

My 9-year-old daughter was too embarrassed to wear her snow pants to breakfast at the Best Western Golden Key.

"Mommy, people will think I'm weird!" she said.

She's at that age when everything is starting to make her feel awkward.

But as soon as we stepped inside the lobby and saw that nearly everyone sitting down and enjoying the hotels hot breakfast was dressed in ski clothes, my daughter blurted out, "Mommy I need to go back to the room to get my ski pants!"

Yes, in the winter time, when the Sierra Nevada are covered in snow, this friendly hotel in the foothills attracts a ski crowd. Only a 45 minute drive from the slopes, this makes for a great stopover on your way from the California Bay Area to the mountains.

Our rooms were comfy, clean and quiet. My kids were disappointed that they didn't bring their swim suits because there's an indoor pool and an outdoor hot tub. The breakfast—with waffles, fresh fruit, and yogurt—is complimentary. And as with all Best Westerns, the wi-fi is free.

I'll also make a special call-out to the people behind the front desk who are especially friendly. We checked out of the hotel and I returned my keys and then I realized that I'd left the luggage in the room. I needed to get a new key card!

Luggage in the car. Ready to go. My daughter screams out, "I forgot my blankie under the covers!"

I went back into the lobby to request yet another key.

The hotel clerk chuckled and told me to just leave the key in the room.

"You need to get up to the mountains," he said.