Best Western Countdown to Savings

Posted on 12:44 PM by
Best Western’s Countdown to Savings Sale starts today. For each day of this week, select Best Western hotels will offer deep rate discounts on until the clock strikes 4 p.m. EST. A new theme each day will reveal new hotel deals.

Monday, Nov. 9: Hockey Cities

Boston, Mass.: Rates From - $139

Atlanta, Ga.: Rates From - $75

Tuesday, Nov. 10: Ski Destinations

Anchorage, Ala.: Rates From $80

Bozeman, Mont.: Rates From - $89

Wednesday, Nov. 11: Grab Bag

Durango, Colo.: Rates From - $79.00

Detroit Lakes, Minn.: Rates From - $68.00

Thursday, Nov. 12: Tropical Destinations

Honolulu, Hawaii: Rates From - $89.00

Tamarindo, Costa Rica: Rates From - $89.00

Friday, Nov. 13: Romantic Destinations

Sedona, Ariz.: Rates From - $175.00

Napa, Calif.: Rates From - $113.00


Kykuit Rockefeller Estate said...

I would hardly call Anchorage, AK a ski destination. No wonder Best Western is giving a nice discount. Lets see them give a discount at
Blue Mountain Ski, which is actually pretty close to home for me.

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