Parents: Don't bring Play-Doh on the plane

Posted on 2:12 PM by
Tight security at the New Orleans airport cost one little boy his Christmas gift from Grandma, according to Fox News.

Flying home after the holidays, the TSA confiscated Josh Pitney’s Play-Doh.
"I had the kids and my husband was there with all our bags," Christy Pitney, the child's mom, told Fox. “Josh and I were sitting, getting our shoes on and, my husband kind of motioned to us and said, They took our Play-Doh."
"And the man from TSA was taking every can out at a time and putting it on a table, and Josh saw and he started fussing," Christy continued. "I tried to explain that those were the rules, but it turns out it’s not prohibited on the TSA’s website - so apparently those are not the rules."

Christy is right. Play-Doh is not among the items the TSA has banned passengers from bringin on board.
But plastic explosives can be camouflaged to look like Play-Doh, and a TSA spokeswoman told Fox screeners are told to use their own discretion.


The Coys said...

I nearly had this happen to me and my kids a couple years ago. The TSA agents told me it wasn't a good idea to take Play-Doh. I never considered it being a suspicious substance!

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